

An alternative is to let a few islanders return and reestablish

residence on Bikini in its present condition,

This is rejected because

of the moral responsibility as well as the political, sociological and economic,

need to rehabilitate the islanders.

Survival would be difficult and the

redevelopment of Bikini, without support of modern equipment and methods,

would be a painfully slow process covering generations.

Such approach would

be inconsistent with the goal of assisting the Bikinians to build a new
and model community.

Another approach to resettlement would be to cleanup and redevelop
facilities to accommodate only the few returning islanders who could
subsist in Bikini's present environment.

This is rejected because of the

need to resettle and provide as suitable an environment for all of the
displaced islanders who have rights to Bikini and who desire to return,
not just the few who might be disposed to attempt to survive under Bikini's
present conditions.
Yet another possibility would be to undertake a replanting and reconstruction program to accommodate all those who desire to return to Bikini

This is not recommended because newly planted coconut trees require

six to ten years of growth before they are sufficiently productive to provide
subsistence and an export crop of copra.

If all islanders desiring to

return were resettled on Bikini at the outset of the replanting progran,
they would ‘have to be subsidized for several years.
as socially or economically desirable.


This is not regarded

Select target paragraph3