

strips across the main islands of Bikind and Fnyu.

Leaving intervening

strips of vegetation will reduce erosion of the topsoil and provide
protection from wind and salt spray for the seedlings.

Over the two years

replanting costs are estimated to amount to approximately $177,000.
Grove maintenance will begin in fiscal year 1971 and will spread over
the subsequent four years.

It will consist of brushing-out the cleared

planting strips, fertilization and care of the seedlings, and, as the
newly-planted trees grow, the progressive clearing of the intervening
strips of ecrub vegetation.

Over the five-year period of fiscal year

1971 through 1975, grove maintenance costs are currently estimated to total

approximately $112,000,
Construction costs for village facilities and for housing for the

returned Bikinians are estimated to total $815,000 for fiscal year 1970
wet oo


through 1975.

The bulk of the construction will be done at the outset

of the resettlement program with, as noted above,.community facilities


and housing for about 30 families.





Subsequent construction costs contemplate

housing at the rate of about six units a year and with an addition to the

school being built in 1973 when the school-age population will overcrowd the


facility first built.

Administrative and resettlement costs, the latter including transportation
to and from Kili and a feeding subsidy for the returned people, are
estimated to amount to approximately $534,000 over the six-year period.

Economic Future

Some additional comments are in order with respect to the economic

future of Bikini.

The basic resettlement program is designed to provide,





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