the planning, High Commissioner W. R. Norwood of the Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands led a party of Trust Territory officials, nine
Bikini natives, AEC and DOD representatives, and members of the

press, back to Bikini in late August, 1968.
1969 Operations and Survey.
in February 1969.

Cleanup operations commenced at Bikini

DOD directed the cleanup phase of the rehabilitation

project and this phase was completed in October 1969.


shared the cost of cleanup operations with each agency providing

AEC provided monitoring support during 1969 cleanup opera-

tions including guidance for disposal of scrap material.

The vegetation

removal operations carried out to provide space for replanting coconut
groves also provided access to all parts of Bikini and Eneu Islands
so that external radiation levels could be mapped in detail (in 1964
and 1967, heavy vegetation placed a limitation on how much area could

be surveyed).
During cleanup operations a significant number of additional samples

of foods, vegetation, soil and sediment, and well water were collected.
Separate draft reports containing the external radiation measurements

and results of analyses of radionuclide content of environmental samples
have been received fram the Southwestern Radiological Health. Laboratory

(SWRHL) and from the University of Washington.

The SWRHL report


results of analysis for plutonium-238 and plutoniwm-239 in soil at two
locations on Eneman and the University of Washington report contains



Select target paragraph3