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The Committee members reviewed the survey data, Dr. Gustafson's
reports, and consulted with the team members of the 1967 survey.


on this review, the Committee prepared a report stating that, on the
basis of information provided, the exposures to radiation that would
result from the repatriation of Bikini people do not offer a significant
threat to their health and safety.

Key recommendations for actions to

further reduce exposures included restriction of rehabilitation for the.
present to the Bikini-Eneu complex, removal of radioactive scrap, reduction

of land crab population, a dietary supplement of calcium, and periodic
resurveys of the atoll.

There were other recommendations for agricultural

and village construction activities expected to reduce the radionuclide
content of pandanus and reduce external radiation levels in village and

dwelling sites.

These reports and analyses formed the basis for dis-

cussions between various governmental groups, including AEC, the Department of Interior and DOD on rehabilitation and resettlement of

Bikini Atoll.

On August 12, 1968, the President announced the decision that the
Bikinians were to be returned to their atoll.

At the same time AEC

issued a press release providing background information relative to

the decision and including the Ad Hoc Committee's report.


and Department of Defense (DOD) were requested to work with the Department of Interior in planning and carrying out a comprehensive
program for returning the Bikinians to their home islands.

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