‘levels on Bikini were observed to be highest in the more heavily
vegetated interior and lowest along the shore where there has been
more weathering.

On near test islands, the major contributor to the

external gamma field was observed to be cobalt-60. ‘Quantities of
scrap metal containing cobalt-60 were found on these islands.
Following the 1967 survey, the next significant step was taken

by Dr. Philip F. Gustafson of the Division of Biology and Medicine,”
who collected and summarized the data from all past surveys.


in this material were reports from the Trust Territory District
Agriculturist and from the Trust Territory District Anthropologist.
Dr. Gustafson prepared estimates of potential exposures, both internal
and external, for a returning population having living habits and diet
that are expected to apply to the Bikinians.

Also prepared were ten-

tative recommendations with regard to the basic question of whether
from a radiation exposure viewpoint the Bikinians should be allowed
to return.

AEC Review.

In April 1968, the Division of Biology and Medicine

appointed the following Ad Hoc Committee to consider the question of
return of the Bikinians:
John C. Bugher, Former Director EM, retired
Robert A. Conard, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Charles L. Dunham, Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences, NRC, NAS
John H. Harley, Director HASL
S. Allan Lough, Assistant Director for Radiological Physics, EM
John B. Storer, Deputy Director EM
Paul C. Tompkins, Executive Director FRC
Shields Warren, Scientific Director, Cancer Research Institute,
New England Deaconess Hospital

*Nlow at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA




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