such results for one location on Eneman and two locations on Bikini.
Except for plutonium levels in soil, the measurements of environmental
radioactivity in these reports confirmed the results of the 1967 survey.
The Department of Interior is presently conducting the agricultural
recovery phase of the project and it was recently reported that housing
construction is to begin about May of 1970.

At present there are approx-

imately 20 native workers and a Trust Territory representative at Bikini
Atoll engaged in the agricultural program.

Levels of Alpha Emitters in Soil and Air
Bikini Atoll.

As reported in Information Paper AEC 604/124 dated

March 23, 1970, the levels of plutonium-239 (and plutonium-240) in two
soil samples for Bikini Island appear to be about a factor of 10 higher

than the level reported for a sample collected in 1964.

More recent

analyses performed by the Southwestern Radiological Health Laboratory
(SWRHL) and the University of Washington have confirmed levels for
these two samples analyzed in 1969; samples from other locations on
Bikini have proven to be somewhat lower.

The values for Bikini Island

range from 1.3 to 190 pCi/g, and for Eneu Island, from 0.5 to < 3 pCi/g
of soil, as shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Previous analyses for Eneman

Island, a nearby test island not currently planned for rehabilitation,

showed plutonium-239 levels ranging from 83 to 410 pCi/g in surface

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