Rocky Flats.

In order to show possible relationships between soil

levels and airborne levels of plutonium-239, data for Rocky Flats
and Palomares have been examined.

Levels of plutonium-239 in surface

soil at 1 to more than 5 miles from the Rocky Flats plant range from
0.05 to 3 pCi/g, with an average of 0.5 pCci/g, as shown in Tables 1
and 3.

However, the air monitoring network around Rocky Flats showed

average gross alpha activity in airborne particulates at various
stations ranging from 0.009 to 0.02 pCi/m for the last half of CY 1969,
as given in Tables 1 and 6.

Assuming the gross alpha activitiy to be

entirely plutonium~239, the highest average (Marshall) would be 2%
of the Concentration Guide value for individuals in the general public,
or 6, for a suitable sample of the public.

Air samples specifically

analyzed for plutonium include a single sample taken by Dow in December,
1969, at the east security fence with a level of 0.002 pCi/m>, and six
samples taken by the State of Colorado following the RF fire and processed by SWRHL.

These latter samples averaged 0.005 pCi/m, with a

range of 0.0001 to 0.02 pCi/m.

Levels of alpha emitters in soil at Palomares following the

cleanup operations of surface stripping (area 2-1), plowing, etc., have

been reported both by Spanish authorities and by LASL.

Background soil

levels of gross alpha activity in regions of Spain not affected by the
Palomares incident range from 3.9 to 9.5 pci/g of dry soil and arg

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