
may rock slightly.

13 -

wubtain information and location, forward to station 10.

peptember 20, 1957

ahot whitney postponed. sext weather briefing at 1630 tomorrow.
station operated in routine manner.

september 21, 1957

shot’ ahitney scheduled for tomorrow. «whis is no. aXTI. (Shot was
later postponed)
Shot wharleston detonated at 0600. monitored st. George and operated
station in routine shot day manner.

seceived message from station 10 that mr. Gilmore plans to be in st.
George tomorrow.
september 82, 1957
mr. Nichard vilmaocre, us. vwordon winning, and party arrived in st.
George. hey gave inatructions for taking shielding data and discussed
the program in general.

iWo seintillators were left for this work.


september 25, 1957
ohot “Whitney* fired at 0550. we monitored St. ueorge and vicinity
but observed no increase in radtabion measurements.
shielding data was taken at the following locations:
1. apartment building at 90 West.100 north, st. weorge, utah
2. mugged nest motel, st. eorge
3. shivwitz indian oeservation vhurch suilding
4. nenouf Auto Supply, st. weorge
5. the iverson Home in washington, Utah.
september 24, 1957

vontacted Mrs. kate sw. smpey, secretary of chamber of commerce and

made arrangements for the showing of film “a is for atom" to Ghamber of
Commerce meeting tomorrow.

station operated in routine manner the remainder of the day.

oeptember 25, 1957

shot postponed.

vhe film "A is for atom was shown to the members of the chamber of
Gommerce at their luneheon program. 1shere were approximately SO persons
present. shere were many favorable comments on the fila.
oeptember 26, 1957

yook shielding data on the five locations as done on september 25,

shis date was put in order to be sent to mercury.
message nO. 1: whot postponed, uext weather briefing 1600, stand

by at 1630.

september 327, 1957
otation operated in routine manner.
Miss maurine whipple came by and asked for more information relative
to the article she is writing for “News week.“ ‘he information had been
released in news reports and was given to her.
september 28, 1957
shot Postponed, ~stetionoperated in routine manner.

«as informed

that preperationa are being made for thanext film badge exchange beginning monday.


Select target paragraph3