september 13, 1957

Shot "Fizeau" postponed.

went to wunlock to pick up a film badge

i could not find

and was informed

that he hadmoved and could not be contacted.
september 14, 1957
Shot ‘Whitney postponed,

detonated at 0945.

shot "Fizeau” No. aX, a tower shot

monitored st. George and Vicinity.

vperated station

in routine shot day manner,
#0 Wore informed by Net Control that "Newton" a balloon shot, was
scheduled for monday and "Whitney“ was scheduled for Tuesday.
september 15, 1957
Operated station in routine manner. stood by at 1630 and was
advised that shot "Newton" is seheduled for tomorrow,
September 16, 1957
Shot “Newton” No XXT detonated at 0550.

monitored U-18 to mterprise,

Newcastle, Gedar vity, New Harmony and st. George.

ground were observed,

No readings above back-

september 17, 1957
Station 10 fnformed us that sc. van der Smissen would be in St. Gepree
at noon tomorrow.
Miss Maurine shipple, News volumnist, came by and asked for {nformation
pertaining to atomic tests, radiation effects, and the monitoring program.
She was advised that ur. van der somissen would be in St. George tomorrow

and would be able to give her considerable more information than we had
available, she was cooperative and agreed to talk to ur. wan der Smisaen
when he comes to St. veorge.
September 16, 1957
4@ Were requested by Station 10 to make a list of all questions which
have been asked by the public during our period of zone duty.
vr. van der Smissen arrived in St. ueorge at approximately 1200. He,
mr. H@limark and I visited the
home and talked to
her daughter. ‘The
were very nice and they appeared to be satisfied
with ur. van der omissen's explanation of radiation burns and symptoms, ur.
Neuregor, their physician, was contacted before going to the


at seemed that the mother and daughter felt that their symptoms were caused
by direct sunlight on the desert rather than by radio active substances.
aw, wan der cumissen talked to Miss Maurine whipple and gave her the
information she desired for her article. at first she had planned to write
an article upholding the people who were opposed to the atomic testa, she
changed the article to point out the precautions taken to protect the
people from possible radiation burns and shock damage to property, as well
as to disprove the false beliefs of personal damage by the atomte testa,
september 19, 1957
station 10 advised us that there would be no air sampling nor fallout
trays placed today unless advised later. she shot was presumed to be a
safety device, or a tunnel shot.
we were advised to report the effects @& the shot in the following

l. not felt except by a very few, except under favorable conditions
2. selt only by few persons at rest, especially on upper floor of
3. selt Gaite noticeably on upper floors, especially.

xotor cars


Select target paragraph3