

nia. she daughter is at home and the information was relayed to ur. van
der umissen.

Station 10 advised me that mr. Howard nallmark would arrive in St.
George tomorrow to assist with the monitoring program.

September 4, 1957
Mr. Hallmark arrived in st. George at 1600.

station 10 informed me that there will be a film badge exchange as

rapidly as possible. radios will be 10 - & while in vehicles.
be a check in at 0900 tomorrow morning.

‘There will

September 5, 1957
Mr. Hallmark and I exchanged film badges in Kanab, zion Perk, xookville,
Springdale, and Virgin.

shot "Wheeler" (NO.XVIII) is scheduled for tomorrow.

september 6, 1957

Shot "Wheeler" detonated. All 200 series were permitted to go 10-7
until 1300 when there would be a check in. We were advised to operate stations
in routine shot day manner. No fallout was observed.
Film badges were exchanged in St. George and vicinity, .ew Harmony, Leeds,
Pintura, selson na@nch, and surrounding areas.

september 7, 1957
Nilm badges were exchanged in st. George, veyo, ventral, snterprise, santa
Clara, and uunlock.

Message no I:

balloon shot.

340 to 360°.

Shot “Laplace (XIX) scheduled for tomorrow.

Time --0600.

next weather briefing 0500.

1 <n eomtour line 2 miles and exting to 12 miles.

stand by at 0530.

september 8, 1957

shot "Leplace” detonated 0600.
above background observed.
silm badge exchange continued.

line for a supply of fallout trays.

This is a

Predicted fallout

200 series

Monitored st. George area but no fallout
Met the Mesquite monitor at Arizona State
‘vwhis arrangement was made by net Control

when we reported earlier that we were out of trays.

There is still a background of 0.25 me/HR in St. George

September 9, 1957

Film badges were exchanged in washington, santa vlare and vicinities.
Monitors :amamoto, Kingsbury, and Hallmark left for Mercury to observe a
shot. whey took the film badges to Mercury.
I was informed by Station 10 that ur. van der omissen will be in st.
George on september 1) to talk to
daughter about her claim
of radiation burns.
september 10, 1957
Shot “Whitney” postponed.
september 11, 1957
shot postponed.

station was operated in routine manner.

;ricked up remaining film badges in Leeds and in st.

George which could not be collected at time of exchange.

ur. Van der omissen could not come to st. George as planned.

September 12, 1957
atood by at 0500. Shot Mzeau postponed. xequested to stand by at
1130 for possible shot at 1700. shot postponed. noutine station duties
were performed the remainder of the day.

Select target paragraph3