august 25, 1957
vhecked in at 0900, also at 1630. yext shot “Smoky*® is scheduled for
aednesday, august 26. station operated in routine manner.
august 26, 1957
atation 10 requested that milk and water samples be taken from all
stations in the St. weorge zone.

wore sample bottles were requested,

she station was operated in routine manner the remainder of the day.

august 27, 1957

otation 10 requested that 1. find out when
will be back home in order that ua. van der smissen may talk to her about
her claima of radiation burns. . visited the iverson home and
informed me that the daughter would be back on september 1. chis information
was passed on to station 10.
august 28, 1957
ahot postponed. sequested information pertaining to my new film badge
and was informed that an attempt would be made to locate the badge and , would

be informed later on the matter.
august 29, 1957

shot postponed.

whot «franklin :rjme“ is to be detonated at 0540 to-

.his is to be a balloon shot.
the rest of the day.

station operated in routine manner

august 30, 1957
shot -Franklin rrime- detonated at 0540. it was visible but not audible.
wonitored st. weorge, santa vlara, and vicinities. no radtation above background was observed.
August 31, 1957

ohot “Smoky" detonated at 0530. ihe shot was visible and audible in
at. veorge. monitored ot. vweorge, canta vlara, and Highway 91 to arizona
line. monitored u-l@ to asanterprise. szsallout in st. weorge reached a peak

of 12 w/ne

27 m/n were observed 7 miles south of veyo on u-lS.

he read-

ings and times were recorded on the data sheets and those of populated
areas were reported to station 10. mr. coehr, monitor from mesquite, assist~ed me in setting up weathering stations in st. weorges. «@ took shielding
measurements at ny apartment located at 90 West 100 North in St. George.
September-1, 1957
Konitored st. George and U-18. any readings above background were
observed and reported to station 10. ihe decay of redioactive fallout was

rapid during the first 12 hours and had fallen to approximately 2 M/R in

St. George.


Mr. Robert klder and wharies uielker came by for shot samples at

vhecked in at 1630.

shot Gallileo is on for tomorrow.

september 2, 1957
Shot Gallileo detonated at 0540. monitored St. George, shivwitz Indian
neservation and Veyo. Headings above background were observed but these
were present from shot “Smoky* and no rise in readings during the day were
Checks were made during the morning and evening at the weathering
stations and reports were sent to station 10,
September 3, 1957
Called the
home to see if the daughter had returned from valifor-

Select target paragraph3