

Mrs. mgnpey was informed that the shot was visible but there was only a

slight rumble heard.

whe flash was described briefly to her and she was ad-

vised that she might obtain further information from

the aC information

august 19, 1957

stood by at 0550. shot voppler postponed. whecked in again at 1000.
station 10 wanted to know when mr. Le an. oailey wanted to put on his radio

program and what type of progrum he wanted.
«shey also wanted to know when
daughter would be back in washington.
she daughter is

supposed to have gotten radiation burns along with

while picking

cactus near Vlendale,
station 10 wanted to know if they could get in contact
with miss maurine whipple, news columnist, who lives in st. weorge and is

writing articles relative to the atomic tests in s,evada.

a contacted ur. oailey by telephone and received the information requested

by station 10. Mr. cailey can put his program on any afternoon at 1600 monday
through sriday. she program is usually one half hour long but as mich tine
can be alloted to the atomge tests discussion as desired, mr. voailey suggested
that the talk be in the form of an interview with ut. wan der omiagsen and a
rehearsed discussion with a few basic facta on the atomic eat rrogram be
given. ne suggested the emphasis of reassurance and the allay of fear from

He reported that miss nhipple can be contacted at her home most any

rhis information was passed on to station 10 by radio at approximately

1100 on august 19.
at the 1630 check in 1. was informed that ur. van der omissen will be at
my place in st. veorge at noon on zhursday august 22, 4 called mr. sailey
and have made arrangements to contact him as soon as the .octor arrives.

august 20, 1957
vhecked in at 0900.

. was asked if 1 had been asked any medical questions

which 4, would like for ur. wan der omissen to answer,

, could not think of

any at that time. vhecked in at 1630. shot ‘Doppler~ postponed.
mr. slliott from the aBC information uffice came by and discussed the
zone work in this area, also the program in general

august 21, 1957
Uperated station routinely. shot postponed.
arrive at 1400 tomorrow, if shot does not go.
august 22, 1957
uw. van der omissen arrived 1445.
program to-be given at 1600.

sr. van der smissen will

ar. sailey and he planned the radio

shot is on.

otation 10 requested serial numbers

of all survey instruments and continuous recorders.

august 23, 1957
shot “Doppler detonated at 05%. it was both visible and audible,
she serial numbers of survey instruments and continuous recorder were
given to station 10.
monitored st. weorge and vicinity.

no fallout above background observed.

station was Operated in routine shot day manner with instructions to stand by
at 0900 tomorrow,

sugust 24, 1957

vheckec in at 0900. was informed that a courier would come by at 1900
to pick up shot samples. mr. slder and mr. riotter came by at 1920 and picked
up the samples on tieir way to mercury.

Select target paragraph3