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Septembe.r 29, 1957
Checked in at 1100. We were informed that a courier would be by tomorrow,
He will pick up film badges in Kanab, orderville and vicinities.

September 30, 1957

Checked in at 1300 and was requested to stand by at 1100 tomorrow. shielding
data taken from the five locations as done previously.
Mrs. Shugart called and requested that we talk to
who thinks
she may have received radiation burns.
October 1, 1957
I called
and made an appointment with her for Thuraday at
1500. 1 also requested that ur. van der cmissen come to St. George to talk to
and also to miss Whipple. 4. was informed that ur. van der Snidsen
could make the trip to St. George.
October 2, 1957
Mise whipple was informed that sc. van der Saissen would be in St. George
tomorrow. we were requested to pack the High-Vol semplersa in wood crates and
the continuous recorders in cardboard boxzis at the close of the atomic tests.
October 3, 1957
ue. wan der
to her about her
loeal st. George
and linings every

smiesen, Mr. Hallmark and [ visited
and talked
claim of radiation burns..
is an employee at the
nospital and works in the laundry department. She detergents
day. She operates the eatoelave which is adjacent to the

i-ray roam.

rhe lesions on
hands were encrusted areas near the finger
tips and around the nails. ‘there was considerable fissuring with occasional
bleeding of the lesions. she stated that her forearms and face had been previously involved.
stated further that she wes employed in 1926 as
an xs-rey technician and worked with the old portable type machine which had
little or no shielding.

The patient had been under treatment from ur. A.W. McGregor who was consulted before we talked to her. .@. McGregor had diagnosed the condition as an
allergy and ur. wan der omissen concurred with this diagnosis. where waa improvement of the condition when the patient stayed away from her work a few
days. she was very cooperative and appeared to be satisfied with ur. van der
Smissen's explanation of radiation burns. she did not appear to feel that her
condition was due to radiation burns after the conversation.
ur, van der omissen talked to Miss Maurine #hipple about her news article,
also to
October 4, 1957
Operated station in routine manner.
locations ag done previously.

Shielding data was taken from the five

October 5, 1957
woutine station activities performed.
October 6, 1957
We were informed by Station 10 that we could expect to pack up our equipment and bring it to Mercury on October 10 if Shot "Morgan" is detonated tomorrow,
October 7, 1957
shot "Morgan" detonated at 0600.

we monitored the st. George area, U-18

to veyo, Central, mterprise, eweastle, Vedar City, Highway 91 back to St. George.

Select target paragraph3