were made with station 10 as to instructions for this station.
was operated in @ routine manner the remainder of the day.
June 1,


che station

1957 _

Instructions were given on communications by ur. Marchaise and | was
permitted to use the radio.
«e had permission from otation 10 to assiat the

microbarograph operator in laying cable for a dual system.

completed at approximately 1900 hours,

shis work was

June 13, 1957
vhecked in with station 10 at 0900. we distributed two boxes of pamphlets “Atomic .ests in nevade" to the motels in st. George. si1wo more boxes
were requested from wercury. we talked to the motel operators and they were
very glad to distribute the pamphlets to guests and other interested persons.

whe clerk at the “Bl Pace‘o motel” was of the opinion that the atomic tests
were doing much harm to the entire world.
she had read everything she could

find in opposition to the tests but had apparently read nothing

authorities on the subject.

June 14, 1957
stood by for shot "Wilson" at 0400.

shot postponed.

written by

cathered informa-

tion for the uirectory during most of the day.
che new Zone vommander, tom
sharpe arrived at 2200.
w#e took mr. Edward segal to vedar vity and returned
to St.




June 15, 1957
ahe zone work was discussed with Mr. Sharpe. w#e reported to station 10
at 0900 and stood by for further messages. whecked in at 1630 and was per

mitted to go 10 - 7 until 1630 sunday .

vune 16, 1957
uhecked in with otation 10 at 1630.

mr. Marchaise and Mr. Sharpe.

idscussed zone work further with

June 17, 1957
Pamphlets “Atomic Tests in ,evada" were distributed to service stations
in st. George. ne talked to the managers and all were very cooperative.
shey were willing to distribute the pamphlets to their customers and other
interested persons. we visited the St. weorge Lhamber of vommerce and left
a supply of the pamphlets with the secretary, mra. sate 5. Bupey.
smpey inquired as to whether films on the atomic tests were available for

showing to civic groups.
we advised her that we would check on the matter
and let her mow which films would be available and when she could expect
to plan on the film for her program.
rhe monitor from mesquite contacted our station regarding a film badge
worn by
we were not able to locate

but mr. soy a. senouf, sheriff of washington vounty, gave us
to where he can be found. mr. Henouf was very cooperative and assured us
that his services were available at any time we might need him.
atood by at 1630. shot "Wilson" scheduled for tomorrow.

June 198, 1957

‘the flash was visible but no
shot “Wilson” was detonated at 0445 mST.
as well as Highway 18
sound was

to santerprise. unly background was observed. we checked in at 1630 and
the station was operated in routine shot vay manner.


Select target paragraph3