June 5, 1957

arrived at mercury, sevada at 0800.

identification picture and clearance

completed during the moming.
nseported to warehouse 0. 8 for instructions
and assignment to duty. Mr. uwelvin varter explained the duties of zone personnel ani 1. was assigned to the st. .eorge, Utah cone.

veparted sAiercury at lodXt with or. s.a. warchaise

arrived st. George at 2200
gune &, 1957

Mr. Marchaise, Zone Commander, explained the procedures of film badge
exchange. Mr. Ralph Vaccaro and ir. Ike Burgess assisted with tne film badge
we exchanged film badges in santa Clara and along nighway 91 to
the arizona line.

we talked with mr. Thomas ucKeen, proprietor of the vonoco

service station 15 miles southwest of santa Clare on Highway 91.

claims he can feel the radioactive fallout and it makes him sick.

He says,it

feels "just like an electric wind.” He stated further that he sleeps on the
roof of his building and the "fallout got so bad he had to come down off the
roof and sleep in nis house. ne tninks it is causing him to have “heart

June 7, 19597
Left st. Gearge at 0900 with mr. Marchaise after planning film badge
exchange routes with assistants. we exchanged film badges on u-18 to snterprise and vicinity, also exchanged badges in wunlock and santa Clara flementary >chool. Mr. Marchaise explained the use of radio communications.
sune 8, 1957

worked with ur. Marchaise in exchanging film badges in schools of st.
George and surrounding areas. ar. Marchaise explained the contents of his
files and the records.
we talked to many of the school principals and to

mr. Moody, the vounty Superintendent of schools.
heir attitude toward the
atomic .,ests was favorable. mr. Frei, Principal of woodward High school of

St. George, asked several questions regsrding the effects of radiation. xe
was particularly coneerned with its relation to leukemia and to the possible
genetic changes in future generations.

vune 9, 1957
mr. Marcheise and 1. exchanged the remainder of film badges in st. George

and vicinity.

We checked all badge numbers and when the records were completed

the budges with the data sheets were sent to ..ercury with kr. [xe uurgess.

vune 10, 1957

L was instructed in the use of survey instruments, high volume air sampshe tape in the continuous recorder was changed
ler, fallout tray, and codirg.
instrument. x.V. filter records vere made
and a source

ready for the explosion of the next atomic device.

vune ll, 1957
whe instruction manual was read and parts of it were discussed with hr.

surther instructions were given on air sampling.

rrequent checks


Select target paragraph3