AL Renta

gune 19, 1957
we distributed pamphlets to the remaining service stations in st. weorge.
we monitored nighway 91 to Leeds but only background was observed. a film
padge was picked up fron
at 1000.
gune 20, 1957
vhecked in with station at 0900 and received instructions on courier.
Sanples were made ready to be sent to mercury and were picked up by mr. Hinshaw at 1700. we received a call from mercury regarding ignition keys which
were unintentionally carried off by mr. vimstead.

Jzhe keys were returned to

peaver at 2200. «one work wes discussed with monitors vilmstead, nenshaw, and
aarson, mr. sdward segal and ar. saalter sobohn were wisited on our way to
vune 21, 1957

whecked in at 0900.

«sa message was received requesting additional informa-

tion on 23 film badge station locations. «she original records did not contain
sufficient information and it was necessary for us to visit each station in
question in order to obtain this information. cata was obtained on the film
vadge stations loceted on wotoqua noed and at »,elson aanch.
vune 22, 1957
Left st. George at O800 for xanab, Orderville, mt. Carmal Junction, cion
National rark and Hurricane to obtain additional information on film badge ,
we talked with Mr. F.M. aider and wilfred Heaton, Kanab Sehool
Gustodians, also with sirs. Rachel sindlay, secretary at Office of sdusation.

They were cooperative and gave us much of the information needed for the film

badge locations.
Mr. H. L. Chamberlain gave the information needed on film badge locations

at the urderville schools. miss Gleave, teacher at Orderville flementary
ochool, asked many questions concerning the atomic tests and fallout. ve
gave her a few pamphlets (Atomic Tests in nevada} and left a supply of pamphlets at craft's Mercantile store in Orderville.

information for the rectory

was gathered in most of the communities and towns visited.

June 23, 1957
Stood by at 0545.
rest of the day.

shot was postponed.

June 24, 1957
ohot "Priscilla" was detonated.

activities were routine for the

we monitored the St. George area and

highway 91 to the arizona state line, then highway 18 to veyo, mterprise,

and weryl,

-rthe read from Beryl to Lund was monitored but no readings above

bekground were observed in that area.

Fallout was highest at yeyo, reading 7.98 mr/hr at 1635.
had 0.13 or/hr at 2115.

St. George

June 25, 1957

High-vol. filters and vallout trays were prepared for courier. They
were taken to mercury by mr. Merideth. the St. uearge area was monitored
but only background was observed. ne traveled to Gunlock where mrs. Leavitt,

the local school teacher, gave us information concerning film badge locations
and information requested for the utrectory.

Mr. Caraway stopped by while on his way to seaver.

June 26, 1957
The remaining samples from shot Pricilla were picked up by ur. Larson
and taken to mercury.


we traveled to new Harmony to gather film badge informa~

«se talked to mr. Hammond, care taker and custodian for the church, and


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