to pishop Hall. «whey were very courteous and willing to let us use the vhapel
for film badge placements.

we Were Visited by Mr. Leroy s. sailey, vhemist, who was very inquisitive

and asked questions such as "jWhat frequency do you operate your radio on?

What damage did the last bomb do to the vontrol sower? What is the size of
the next bome7" we geve answers that had been in news papers and news releases,
otherwise we informed him that we did not know the answer,

June 27, 1957

vhecked in at 0900,

Mr. snarpe dictated the corrected data on film badge

station locationa aa requested by Station 10.
manner the remainder of the day.

station was operated in routine

June 28, 1957
shot "Diablo" was postponed. checked in at 1630 and all 200 units were
given 10 - 7 until Sunday at 0900. wuther activities were routine.
June 29, 1957
200 units were 10 ~- 7

vune 30, 1957
vhecked in at 0900. 200 units were given 10 - 7 until 0900 monday.
whe film badge records were checked and torrections made where necessary. :
July 1, 1957
safety Shot detonated and we were advised to operate High-vol. samplers.
Net Vontrol was advised that mr. aahle, ot. vweorge nadio station operator,

wishes to eee a Close-up shot if possible.

this request would be given to us later.

we were advised that 4 reply to


mr. Leroy J. pailey, ubemist, of washington called and reported that
Claimed she had received radiation burns due to fallout
while picking cactus near Glendale on June 21. she had told several of her
neighbors and acquaintances of this incident.

July 2, 1957
atation 10 was notified of the above claims and advised us to talk to
and her daughter in order to gather more information on the
matter. mur. ie J. sharp and i visited the
nome and discussed the
incident with the persons involved. ‘there were eruptions on
shoulders and arms which she described as little blisters. ost of the
lesions had scaled over and she 2dmit<ai that she had scratched them because
of intense itching. she lesions were more prevalent om the portion of the
shoulderga covered by her dress. the daughter made sinilar claims.
uhe exposure occurred while they were collecting cactus and flowers
sast of wlendale near Highway 91 on the desert on june 21, 1957.
the two were en route to their home the burning and itching began as they

were entering manta vlara about two hours after the exposure. small bdlisterlike eruptions appeared on their backs, shoulders, and arms accompanied by
intense itching.
ne advised
der smissen to talk to her.

that if she desired we would request it. van
she indicated that she wanted to talk to hic.


and we explained that she would be notified when an appointment could ve

guly 3, 1957
s@quested ur. van der somiassen to investigate the complaints of radiation

burns by

and her daughter.

was reported to otation 10.

the results of our conversation with
visited and discussed nonitoring

Select target paragraph3