



A village can de constructed with little effort by Helnes


USTs will have no difficulty & entering the Reongelep 1l2-


The items collacted at Rongelip Island for Sesting incluced

& Narver at another location for the temporary residence of the
Rongelap natives which will te at le ast 33 conf ortabi 2 and sanite2
as the present Acngelsp villags.

goon and beaching at the village,


esccanuts, pandasus fruit, paseyes, water (cistern and well), soi).
(surface and from three inches under surface}, pusckin, esgs, fish,
¢laas, 12 chickens, an2 arrewrsst. These itexs afford a gocd cress
section of the diet of the Acns2l2p residents,


There were faw f204 susslies noted.

but its shelves were bare,

There was 2 ex2ll stcre,

The dwellings contained alnost no food

23 April - Again the survey party wos divided into two parts,

Cne group flew to Utiris ‘tole, survayed the ecenditims there and
returned to Rongel2p 42.21.
lagsen, Ths other graup moved on the
PHILIP ts Ailinginse jtoll. The destroyer stood off the scuthern

side of the atejl and dispatched actor whaledcats to Sifs anc Enituc


At Sifo certain equipment left there by members of Task Group

7.1 was recovered

Also, che camp used by the natives frog. Rengelap

was inspected, Sifts will not be satisfactory as 3a site for the tem
ry relocation of the Rengelac natives, The natives do not wish
to ge"shere; it is inaccessible to medic2] facilities; and the current

radiation levels 2re 6 MU/HR.

At Enibuk Island the crew of the PHILIS

assisted the natives in soving the 30=foct sloop onto the beach,


PRELIP returned to Hengelzp atcll lagsen and arri ves fust 28 the Sa-lé
returned fran Utirik, The group fren the SimL6 airersaft anc

taken from Utisik were taken 2>0ard the PHILIP, which sailed 26 1396
hours for Kee felein,

The other group of the survey party visited Utirix curing the 127.
The eight meanders cf the oarty whe made the flight to Utirsk wers: Ccls-

nel Syirs, Mr, Territl, Mr. Selley, Mr, Wilds, Ls Charman, Mr, cere,
Native Magistra%e Compass, ond Native <itwodwed, an S\-16 airerart
fron Shiwetsk landed in the lagcen 1t Romgelan, tock socarmd tne survey
group, and tock off for Utirtk at Case,

The Si-16 landed at Utiri at 1000 heurs,

There are many coral

neads in the lagoon just under the surfave of the etter, tut che pilot
ef the SAelS was able to land witncut difficulty, The survey group
moved to and fren the beach in tne sixeman rubter Lita rif: Irae the

Select target paragraph3