




Rett Bey eee Bey ree Ot

Enizlo and Eniaetok, Azdt:
lands; the intensity incre
pected, jctual readines a

Tsland, birds ezzs were z2

these in their diet,

were retorded on the three. ds-

the party scved northward, 25 was 2x-

in Inclssurs No, 4, On Enisnlo
Tor testing since the actives include

Dr. White ecnducted an exreriment on RAcng2las Islond in wnich he
used fire-fignting equipment fron the PHIL DP to wash down the thaten
roof of cne of the native oulldings,
After 2 considerable eronehesg
the intensity of the rocl was reduced by ten percent, as some of +

conterinaticn was washed off the reef cnto the ground,

Namb:rs of the ship's company were spearfishing in the afterneen
and dcnated their catch to tha collection of food sanples which will
be tested,

The survey of Rengelap was ccncluded and the party returned to
main generzl otserveticns were presented fn regird tc
the current situzticn at Rengelap:

The present intensity of radiation on Rengel2p Island is 15-


Little damage to tuilcings on Rengel2p has occurre2 sincze the 9

20 sillircentgens por nour (2r/hr),.


evacuation, The Rongelap natives ceonfiraci tails. gowever, heavy tains
or storms duriig the year or more that the natives will be adsers «tll
protebly cause cemsiderectle dacage. an estincte of the rerpeir3 necessary
for the return cf the porulaticn must be besed on a survey sade just

prior to this return,

The survey party was inpreasad with the primitiveness cf ths


Tre Suiidings were walled with weven pinels cf scrap ic-

ber and were invariably.roofec with thatch, The natives sleep cn 22ts
which are l2ie con bare wood Slsors cr cirectly om the grcund, No cther
furniture is cresent in the sleeping dwellings except 2 few wosd doces
for storing clothes in each roim. The fanilies e2t in alfacent culliings
or cutsize, The evacuation 22 the remninder of tne househol? efisets if
the 82 Rongelep natives will nst present such cf a procolon,


The cnly tuilding in the village snich snowed the work of veilied

carpentry was the smurch.

L Maccs,

However, tnis eiifice had curmes shortly setire

The water surnly is crecirisus.

Trane are six ccnerete cisterns

in the village, These cisterns 2re ctinmerate times about Tivo fist cn kb
side, The rain ftllirg on the tin roofs of the cisterns £3 ecllesttss 2c:
draining if tnroses gavters into the boxes, Fsur cf tho six sbstermms omtinal witer, 7f wiitn sinples sere taxen Iir testing,






Prue 1

Select target paragraph3