Project Title:


Nuclear Medicine Technology and Other Health Applications
Interrelationship between Genetic and Environmental Factors
in Clinical and Experimental Hypertension

Technical Progress in FY 1973:


Rabbit antikidney serum (AKS) induced hypertension in $ rats but not in
im apparent confirmation of the hypothesis suggested in Section 14B,

Histological examination,

however, showed lesions compatible with AKS

nephritis in S rats but not in R.
in R rats,


has been confirmed,

In the absence of evidence of nephritis

it cannot safely be concluded that the hypothesis

The failure of R rats to show lesions may be only acci-

dental although it stretches probability to so explain it.

possibility is that the AKS is not allergenic for R rats.


A more exciting

Studies are being

Efforts to induce experimental pyelonephritis so far have failed,
Further attempts will be made in collaboration with the new staff Bacteriologist, Dr, Pavlova,
Studies on the renin-angiotensin system in the two strains of rats


§ rats had significantly Lower activities of plasma and renal

renin than R rats on four experimental regimens: low NaCl diet, high NaCl
diet, unilateral renal artery constriction, and unilateral renal artery
constriction plus contralateral nephrectomy,
It was concluded that renin
activities, Like blood pressure, were modified by genetic influences.

Previous observations suggested that the plasma of S rats contains a factor

which inhibits the kidney enzyme (renin) responsible for the release in

plasma of a hypertensive substance (angiotensin), Since this inhibitor was
not observed in plasma from the very closely related, but hypertensiveresistant R strain,

it seemed likely that this factor might be involved in

the development of hypertension,

Further investigation using radio-immuno-

assay of angiotensin formed by renin in plasma has indicated that renin is
not inhibited by plasma from hypertension-prone rats,
The apparent conflict

with the earlier observations is attributed to the different methods used
for assay--the radioimmunoassay measures angiotensin I directly whereas

the bioassay measures angiotensin I indirectly through the pressor response

to angiotensin IL produced from angiotensin I enzymatically in the test

Current studies are directed toward establishing whether the factor
present in hypertension-prone rats is itself hypotensive or reduces the
response to angiotensin.

In the collaborative studies of renal function in the R and § rats
with Dr, Ben-Ishay the diuretic and natriuretic responses to acute oral

salt leads were studied.
Hypertonic saline loads elicited similar responses
in the two strains, but isotonic loads produced significantly higher salt
and water excretion in S rats,
These data suggest an abnormal renal
concentrating mechanism and were interpreted as being compatible with a

defect in Henle's loop in S rats. This study indicates for the first time
that sodium is handled differently by the kidneys of the two strains. Since
there is increasing evidence that sodium is involved in all forms of
hypertension this may be a crucial observation,

(See Continuation Sheet)



Select target paragraph3