Nuclear Medicine Technology and Other Health Applications
Interrelationship becween Genetic and Environmental Pactors

Project Title: in Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
Relationship to Other Projects:


Freis at the VA Hospital in Washington, D. C. is studying the influence

of dietary NaCl on the blood pressure of the SHR from the standpoint of

modifying BP by anti-hypertensive drugs.

Technical Progress in FY 1973:

The effect of renal transplants on the chronic blood pressure. response
was studied in the two strains of rats with opposite genetic propensities to



113 rats survived an average of 4 months (range 1-14) after
this procedure, Among animals maintained on a low NaCl diet, blood pressure
was not significantly affected when the recipient animal and its renal homograft came from the same strain; however, animals from the hypertension-


resistant strain with a renal homograft from the hypertension-prone strain

had higher pressures whereas hypertension-prone rats with a homograft from

the hypertension-resistant strain had Lower pressures than their respective
Thus, the phenotypic response--blood pressure--was more influenced
by the genotype of the renal homograft than by the genotype of the recipient,

4 OS


The continuing work with renal homografts has demonstrated, for the first
time, that at least one of the genetically determined influences on blood
pressure resides in the kidney, This technically difficult study is being


actively pursued,

The influence of renal autografts on BP is being studied to determine
whether subtle sub-clinical rejection may be occurring. Among animals from
the S strain with salt-induced hypertension,

it appears that kidneys from

the hypertension-resistant rats lower the BP of such hypertensive recipients


whereas kidneys from the hypertension-prone strain either result in no change
or a further elevation in hypertensive recipients,
These data, then, are
compatible with the initial experiment obtained in non-hypertensive recipients,
i.e,, the kidneys from the R strain tend to lower BP to normal levels whereas
kidneys from the § strain tend to raise BP above normal.


In continuation of the study on influence of renal parenchymal injury
on BP as modified by genetic background, the influence of prolonged anesthesia
(animals were anesthetized for approximately 3 hours) and, in right uni-

nephrectomized rats, of
artery for 1 hour, were
These data
impreapéon is that:

anoxic injury produced by clamping the left renal
explored in animals not subjected to renal transplant
are being analyzed statistically but the preliminary
anesthesia is without effect but, b) anoxia for

one heaxs combined with added dietary NaCl results in some hypertension even

among @ts ordinarily resistant to it.
This could have significant clinical
implications among individuals with various degrees of impaired renal blood
flow or among the increasing number of people who receive renal homografts

which will have necessarily been anoxic for a variable period prior to and
during surgery.
It would also aid in explaining why salt-fed R rats with
R renal homografts or autografts sometimes develop hypertension,

(See Continuation Sheet)

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