Nuclear Medicine Technology and Other Health Applications

Interrelationsip between Genetic and Environmental Factors

Projece Title: in Clinical and Experimental Hypertension


Technical Progress in FY 1973:



Studies on glomerular filtration rate with C-14 inulin and on renal

blood flow with para-amino-hippurate were performed on R and §S rats with

renal homografts from either strain; as compared with similar studies on

appropriate controls, normal renal function was observed in the animals
with homografts for up to ten months--the Longest period studied.
‘Studies on corticosteroid production and genetic effects on blood

pressure in the salt susceptible and salt resistant strains of rats

were completed in collaboration with Dr. John Rapp.

Classical quantitative

genetic techniques suggest that the genetic component of blood pressure in
these strains is controlled by relatively few genetic loci,

order of 2-4.

i.e., on the

One such locus with 2 alleles inherited by co-dominance was

identified which controls adrenal output of 18-hydroxy-deoxycorticdésterone

(180H-DOC), a hypertensinogenic mineralocorticoid,

This locus accounts

for approximately 16% of the blood pressure difference between S and R

strains with the remaining 84% due to other, unidentified genes.

Studies on the influence of dietary potassium and Na/K molar ratios
on the development of salt hypertension were completed, Among genetically
hypertension-prone rats, dietary sodium (chloride) was demonstrably hypertensinogenic and potassium (chloride) antihypertensinogenic.
On diets

containing the same NaCl but different KCl concentrations, mean blood
pressure was greater in rats receiving less dietary potassium,

i.e., diets

with a higher Na/K molar ratio. On diets with different absolute concentrations of NaCl and KCl, but the same Na/K molar ratios, rats on the

higher absolute NaCl intakes had the higher blood pressures,
On diets with
different absolute concentrations of NaCl and KCL, and different Na/K molar

ratios, a group on a lower absolute NaCl intake but with a higher Na/K

ratio could have more hypertension than a group on a higher absolute NaCl

intake but with a lower Na/K ratio, At equivalent molar ratios, the

respective effects of these two ions on blood pressure were dominated by
that of sodium.
It was concluded that the dietary Na’K molar ratio can

be an important determinant for the severity, or even development, of

salt-induced hypertension,

The mechanism of the moderating effect of

potassium on sodium-induced hypertension is unclear,

A genetic study involving a cross between the BNL § rats and the

Japanege spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was initiated in an effort:
a) to @@termine what genes are shared in common, and b) to improve the
est imal of the number of genes


in the R and S$ strains.

F, rats

off and on NaCl are being bred for backcross and F9 generations and the
BP response observed,
Early study of SHR on high and low NaCl diets

shows that SHR and Fj rats on NaCl develop hypertension more rapidly and

die earlier than comparable animals on low NaCl.

Adrenal transplant studies were reactivated.

About 50 successful

transplants were performed (confirmed at autopsy after death).
of the data suggests chat. no major change in the usual evolution of blood
(See Continuation Sheet)



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