As I understand it, you have recently decided to
undertake certain nutritional studies.
In furtherance of this
effort, instead of having trained nutritional experts, you have

recruited untrained peace corp volunteers to do this work.

Throughout the study, I have been reminded that the purpose

of the study is to review the 1982 report. To have untrained
volunteers gathering new health-nutrition data at this point in
the process is not understood.



As a

result of your study, we have learned that DOE and its
laboratories have urine and blood samples from Rongelap citizens
which have either not been measured, or, if measured, not

analyzed. My people have participated in medical testing with
the understanding that these samples would be fully analyzed.
There is now considerable evidence that at least some of these
samples have never been evaluated.

To be punctured with needles

drawing blood or filling little cups with our urine <= to find
out that DOE then fails to fully evaluate these samples -- is
Your study needs to indicate this problen.

I returned to Washington from the Marshall Islands expecting
to find answers to problems, not more problems.
But, what have I
I have learned that:


DOE is now controlling all or part of this study;


DOE plutonium reports and other materials have not
been released by DOE;


Brookhaven National Laboratories has pot released
bioassay reports or other requested materials;


The children's medical study was completed,


One of the study consultants, recruited by you,

submitted to you, but pot forwarded to Congress;

actively participated in a cover-up of a nuclear
accident and further, participated in the willful
withholding of information to the affected



Unqualified peace corps volunteers have been

retained or recruited to undertake "fast"
nutritional studies of the Rongelap people;


The scope and purpose of the study appear to have

been altered with a new purpose beyond that of

examining and evaluating the accuracy of the DOE data

in the 2982 report and pow the direction of the study
is no longer clear.



Select target paragraph3