She submitted it to you with the request that you immediately
forward it to Congress as the deadline for action was only a few
days away. This was not done. Despite the fact that the impacts

on children was the primary reason for extending your report by

several months, you did not submit this new material to the Yates

The Bertell report concludes, among other things,
that the data from blood samples taken from the Rongelapese was
never analysed, that the control group used in DOE studies was

abnormal, and that the impacts on children and mothers indicate
serious problems. DOE says it's safe and you advise us to return
to Rongelap.

We do not understand.

Mostly, we don't understand

why this report is being withheldybeyond critical deadlines in




Nuclear Radiation Accident.
You selected Dr. John Dunster as one
of your consultants.
I have just learned of Dr. Dunster's
personal and direct role in covering up the October, 1957

“Windscale" accident in Britian. Documents declassified early
this year finally reveal the nature and extent of the willful
withholding of information from the affected British people, both
at the time of the accident and over the years since it occurred.
That you would select such a person to participate in the
Rongelap Reassessment Project is unthinkable.



ed --








the April hearing, and the disclosure that the DOE undertook a

special review of the plutonium problem only two years ago,
requests for information by one of your study consultants were
referred to DOE.
In early May, Mr. Franke sent written requests
to you for the materials referenced at the hearing, and to
Brookhaven National Laboratories, for additional materials
relating to the plutonium problem. You wrote to Mr. Franke on
May 7, stating, “the material you want should be obtained fron

Harry Brown (DOE).
I am sorry that I have forgotten to send you
his address."* On May 9, Edward T. Lessard writes, "please

forward your request to Mr. Harry Brown.*

Requests for this information were then immediately sent to

Brown, but as of today, none of the information has been


This study is not supposed to be "cleared" by DOE.

supposed to be independent of DOE.
were promised?

gtudy Work Plan Altered.

It was

Is this the independence we

The Study mandated by

Congress was to review the DOE data in the 1982 report and to
determine its accuracy.
Early in the study, you were highly
critical of a work plan advanced by consultants who recommended
gathering new data.
Now however, you are embarking on such



Select target paragraph3