Dr. Kohn, the people of Rongelap are the reason for this


We are the centralfigures.

are the clients.

Or, stated another way, we

We were sent back to Rongelap Atoll in 1957 and

over the years we were repeatedly told that it was safe to live,

to gather and consume food -- from all the islands.

We are the nost exposed group of people in the Marshalls to


We are the subject of and the reason for this study.
Yet, when you completed your study, no effort has been made

to communicate with our people. No briefings were held. We
didn't know your study would be preliminary and that it would be
extended for several months.

You never told us.

This delay has

removed us from congressional consideration during this current

budget cycle.

Last December, you sent a video message to the people of
You indicated that you'd keep the Rongelap people


This is not being done.

Over these many months, disclosure after disclosure has come
forth. Most involve what DOE didn't do, what they didn't say,

what they didn't analyze, and what they didn't tell us.

DOE report ig riddled with errors.

Congress established a two-part process.

The. 1982

First, review the

report to determine if it was accurate.
Second, if not, then a
comprehensive review should be undertaken.

DOE was not accurate. The comprehensive report is
justified. We urge you to make that recommendation, and to make
it in clear and unmistakable terns.
Correct the deficiencies in your study. Make it credible in
our eyes.
Let it become a stepping-stone in a process to
properly restore and rehabilitate Rongelap Atoll.
Dr. Kohn, let me state it this way. Had the 1982 DOE report
not been issued, obviously we would still be living on Rongelap
Atoll. However, on the basis of the Kohn Report and its
revelations, we would be packing our belongings and preparing to
leave today.

The Rongelap people today live in deplorable circumstances.

Above all, we seexX resolution of this matter.
We have become
pacific nomads, not out of choice, but out of fear.
In your

hands is a decision to take steps toward resolution or to prolong
this agony.




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