
L(5)3 (4) Not later than December31. 1980, the Secretary shall
report to the appropriate committees of the United States Congress for their consideration what, if any, additional compassionate compensation maybe justified for those individuals continuing
to suffer from injuries or illnesses divectly related to radiation
resulting from the thermonuclear detonation referred to in paragraph (a) of this section.
In the case of the demise of any individual entitled to receive payment
under this section who expires before receiving such payment, the
Secretary shall pay the amount which that individual would have been
entitled to receive under this section to the heirs or legatees of such
individual, in accordance with an appropriate method of distribution
per stirpes, and not per capita. Where the demise of any individual
eligible for payment under paragraph (1) or (8) supra is directly
related to the thermonuclear detonation referred to in paragraph (2)
of this section, the Secretary may make an additional compassionate
payment not to exceed $100,000 to the heirs or legatces of such individual. In deterniining the amount of such payment the Secretary shall
consider, but is not limited to, the following: any payments which the
deceased has received or would have been eliviblie to receive under this
section, and loss of support, services, or contributions to the heirs or







(3) aé appropriate interrals, bué noé less frequently than once
every jive yours, the develupment of an updated radiation dase assessment, together with an estinute of the risks associated with the
predicted human exposure, foreach such atoll;
(4) an education and information program to enable the people
of such atolls te more fully understand nuclear radiation and its
effects, to the end that unrealistic fears will be minimized and

measures to discover, treat, or reduce human exposure to radiution at such atolls will be maximally effective.
(6) (1) In the development and implementution of the program
provided by this section, the Secretary shall consulé and coordinate
with the High Commissioner of the Trust Territury of the Pacific
Islands, the President of the Murshall Islands, the Secretary of the
Department of Hnergy, the Secretary of Defense; and, in consultation
with the National Academy of Sciences, shali establish a scientific advisory committee which shall review and evaluate the conduct of such
program and make such recommendations regarding its inprovement as they deem advisable.
(2) At the request of the Secretary, any Federal agency shall provide such information, personnel, facilities, loyistical support, or other
assistance as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the functions
of this program; the costs of all such assistance shall be reimbursed
to the providerthereof out of the sums appropriated by this section.

(3) There ave authorized to be uppropriated to the Sceretary of the


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Interior such sums as may be necessary to plan, implement, and operate
the program authorized and directed to be provided by this section.
(c) The Sceretary shalt report to the appropriate committees of the
Congress, and to the people of the atolls of Bikini, lenewetak, Rongelap and Utirih, annually, or more frequently tf necessary, on the activities of the program provided by this sectean, uch such report shall
include a description of the health status of the individuals examined




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