Acr or June 30, 1954 (68 Srar. 330)



Sec. 101. (a) Section 2 of the Act of June 30, 1954 (68 Stat. 330), as

amended, is further amended by changing “and such amounts as were
authorized but not appropriated for fiscal year 1975,” to read “and
such amounts as were authorized but not appropriated for fiscal years
1975, 1976, and 19775 forfiscal year 1978, $90,000,000; for fiscal year
1979, $122,700,000; for fiscal year 1980, $112,000,000;[7.9 for discal
years after fiscal year 1980, such sums as may be necessary.”
(b) Section 2 of the Act of June 30, 1954 (68 Stat. 330), as amended,
is further amended by(1) deleting “but not to exceed $10,000,000,” and
(2) deleting all of the lanvuage beginning with the words “which
amounts for.each fiscal year” up te and including the werds “calendar
year 1974,”,







Act or Ocrorer 15, 1977 (91 Srar. 1160)






Sec. 104. (a) In addition to appropriations authorized to compensute Inhabitants of Ronvelap Atoll and Utirik Atoll in the Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands for radiation exposure sustained by
them as a result of a thermonuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll in the
Marshall islands on March 1, 195-4, pursuant to the Act of August’22,
1964 (78 Stat. 598), effective October 1, 1977, there are authorized to
be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of this section and the Secretary of the Interior (hereafter

in this section referred to as the “Secretary”) is authorized and di-

rected to make the payments as hereafter providedin this paragraph
to individuals, or to their heirs or legatees, as the case may be, who
were on March 1, 1954, residents on Rongelap Atoll or Utarik Atoll
in the Marshall Islands:
(1) The Secretary shall pry $25,000 to each such individual
from whom the thyroid gland or a neurofibroma in the neck
was surgically removed, or who has developed hypothyroidism,
or who develops a radiation-related malignancy, such as leukemia.

(2) The Secretary shall pay $1,000 to each individual who,

on suchdate, was a resident on Utirik Atoll,
(3) Where circumstances warrant, as he shall determine, the
Sceretary shall pay an amount not in excess of $25,000 as he determines to be an appropriate compassionate compensation to each
such individual who has suffered any physical injury or harm
from a radiation-related cause but who is not an individual described in paragraph (1).
[(+) In addition to the payments provided in paragraphs (1),
(2), and (8) of this subsection, the Secretary shall provide by
appropriate means adequate medical care and treatment for any
person who has a continuing need for the care and treatment of
any radiation injury or illness directly related to the thermonuclear detonation referred to in paragraph (a) of this section.
The costs of such medical care and treatment shall be assumed
by the Administrator of the Energy Research and Development

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