
to the duties unposed on him by the Organic Act of Guam, carry out,
on and after September 21, 1973, the duties set forth in this section
with respect to the Fvovernment of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands] governments of the Trust Territory of the Pactfie [slunds
or the Northern Mariane Islands. In carrying out such duties, the
comptroller shall be under the general supervision of the Secretary
of the Interior and shall not be a part of any executive department in
the [eovernment of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands] governments of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or the Northern
Mariana Islands.
(b) The government comptrollershall audit all accounts and review
and recommend adjudication of claiins pertaining to the revenue and
receipts of the [zovernment of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands} governments of the Trust Territory of the Pacifie [slands or
the Northern Mariuna Islands and of funds derived from bondissues;
and he shall audit, im accordance with law and administrative reculations, all expenditures of funds and property pertaining to the [vovernment of the Trust Territory of the Pacilic Islands] governments
of the T'rust Territory of the Pacific [slunds or the Northern Mariana
/slands imeluding those pertaining to trust funds held by such
(c) It shall be the duty of the government comptroller to bring to
the uttention of the Secretary of the Interior and the High Commussioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or Governorof the
Northern dlariana Islands,.as the case may be, all failures to collect
amounts due the government, and the expenditures of funds or uses
of property which are irregular or not pursuant to law. The audit
activities of the government comptroller shall be directed so as to
(1) improve the efficiency and economyof programs of the [government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands] governments of
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or the Northern Alariana
fslands, and (2) discharge the responsibility incumbent upon the
Congress to insure that the substantial Federal revenues which are

covered into the treasury of such government are properly accounted

for and audited.
(d) The decisions of the government comptroller shall be final
except that appeal therefrom may, with. the concurrence of the High
Commissioner, or Governor, as the case maty be, be taken by the party
aggrieved or the head of the department concerned, withinone year

from the date of the decision, to the Secretary of the Interior, which

appeal shall be in writing and shall specifically set forth the particular
action of the government comptroller to which exception is taken,

with the reasons and the authorities relied upon for reversing such

(ce) If the High Commissioner or Governor, as the case may be, does
not concur in the taking of an appeal to the Secretary, the party
agerieved may seck relief by suit in the District Court. of Guam,
or District Court of the Northern Mariana [slands, as the case may be,

if the claim is otherwise within its jurisdiction. No later than thirty
divs following the date of the decision of the Sceretary of the Interior,
the party aggrieved or the High Commissioner, or Governor, as the
case may be, on Lehalf of the head of the department concerned, may

seek relief by suit in the District Court of Guam, or District Court

Select target paragraph3