to determine the umount of additional payment for another malady,
and indeed, whetheror not such payment shall be made at all.
Congress has appropriatedsuilicient funds for compensation of the
Rongelap and Utirik fallout victims entitled to payment under P.L.
95-134, including a small reserve for contingencycases. In addition to
this request for Jegislation, the Secretary intends to makea full report,
as required in P.L: 95-1384, by December 31, 1980, concerning whether
or not additional compassionate compensation may be justified forindividuals on Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.
The second provision we recommend be added to H.R. 3756 involves
the location of sessions of Legislature of the Virgin Islands. By resolution numbered 976, the 13th Legislature of the Virgin Islands has requested that the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands be
amended to permit sessions of the Legislature to be held other than in
the capitol of the Virgin Islands at Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. It
is believed that the requirement that such sessions be held in St. Thomas
orecludes greater participation in the governmental process by residents of St. Croix and’ St. John. The Administration recommends
that the request of the Legislature be accommodated and that H.R.
3756 be amended by adding the following language:

The Office of Management and Budget has.advised that there is no
objectionto the presentation of this report from the standpoint of the
Administration’s program.


Jasues A. JOSEPH,

Onder Secretary.

CHANGES IN Existing Law

In compliance with subsection 4 of Rule XNIX of the Standing
Rules of the Senate, changes in existing law made by the bill H.R.
3756, as ordered reported, are shownas follows (existing law proposed
to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in
italic, existing Jaw in which no changeis proposed is shown in roman) :
Acr oF JunE 30, 1954
— (68 Stat. 330)
Src. 2. * * * and sucli amounts as were authorized but not appropriated for fiscal years 1975, 1976, and 1977; for fiscal year 1978,
$90,000,000; for fiseal year 1979, $122,700,000; for fiscal year 1980,
112,000,000; [0] for fiscal years after fiscal year 1980, such sums as
may be necessary, including, but not limited to, sums needed for completionof the capital improvement programs, for a basic communications system, and for a feasibility study and construction of a hydroelectric project on Ponape.”







Sec. 4. (a) The governmentcomptroller for Guain appointed pursuant to the provisions of section 1422d of this title shall, in addition

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sec. . The Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands is

amended by deleting subsection 7(b) (68 Stat. 500; 48 U.S.C.



Select target paragraph3