U.S, DevarrMent oF rue Lyrertor,

Ifon. WarrFL Moxpate

Washington, D.C., February 27,1979.

President of the US. Senate,
Washington, D.C.

Dran Mr. Preswentr: Enclosed herewith is a proposed bill, “Lo

amend the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands, and for other
We reconunendthat the bill be referred to the appropriate Committee for consideration, andthat it be enacted.
_ The proposed bill would convey to the Virgin Islands Government
title to certain property that currently is owned by the Federal Government, although the property has consistently been used by the
Virgin Islands Government in the exercise of its governmental

Section 3 of Public Law 93-435 provides in part that:

“All right, title, and interest of the United States in the property
placed underthe control of the Government of the Virgin Islands by
section 4(2) of the Organic Act of the Virgin Islands of the United
States (48 U.S.C. 1405c(a)), not reserved to the United States by the
Secretary of the Interior within one hundred and twentydays after
the date of enactment of this subsection, is hereby conveyed to such



It. appears clear that the Congress intended to couvey title to all
property being used by the territorial government that was no longer
requircd in the exercise of Federal functions or responsibilities. The
lunguage quoted above authorized the Seeretary of the Interior to
reserve property to the United States and the statute specifically excepted from the conveyance of title the lands administered by the
Secretary of the Interior as a part of the National Park System.
Nevertheless, there are five pieces of property that never were
“nlaced under the control of the Government of the Virgin Islands”
pursuant to Section 4(a) of the Organic Act. However, they have
been used by the territorial government in carrying out its functions.
These properties were transferred “to the control and jurisdiction
of the Secretary of the Interior for use in the administration of the
government of the Virgin Islands” by Executive Order No. 5602,
dated April 20, 1931. They ave properties acquired from the Government of Denmark in accordance with the agreement to purchase the
The properties in question are:
Marine Barracks (Senate Building)—Consists of 2.0 acres of Jand
and 9 buildings.
Quarters “B”?—Consists of 0.4 acres of land and 4 buildings.
Military Cemetery, King’s Quarters—Consists of 1.3 aeres of land.
Kine’s Ili Home for the Aged, No. 23aa King’s Quarter—Consists
of 34.9 acres of land and 7 buildings.

Public Works Yard, Nos. 1 and 2 East Street-—Consists of 1.4 acres
of land and 4-burldings.
The first three properties are on St. Thomas and the latter two are
located in Christiansted, St. Croix. In addition to these five properties,
there may be other isolated parcels which have not been speetfically

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