Inevarionany IMPACT
The expenditures authorized Involve necessary Government expenditures in remote areas which ave been severely affected by economic
recession and unemployment. [t is the sense of the committee that
these outhuys will not have an inflationary impact.

Pursuant to rule X, clause 2(b) (1), theCommittee on. Interior and
Insular Atfairs continues to exercise oversight responsibilities in connection with legislation affecliny the insular areas. No recommenda-

tions were submitted to the committee pursuant to rule A, clause 2

(b) (2).

Cosrarrrren RecoMMENDATION

The bill, ELR. 3756, having been approved by the Subcommittee on

National Parks and Insular Adfuirs, Was approved by the Committce

on Interior and Insular Affairs, open ueirkupsession, on May 2, 1909,
by 2 unnnimous vote.

The following letter WilS received Ley thre Comunittee trom the Com-

mittee ou Foreien Affairs:


Concress ov ‘rite UNrrep STATEs,

Coairtren ON Foreign AFrarns,
Hovusk or RepresENTATIVES,
Washington, D.C., dlay 1, 1979.
Hon. Morris Upatn,
Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, US. House of
Representatives, Washington, D.C.
Dean Mr. Cuamaan: The Committce on Foreign Affairshas examined the relevant provisions of the bill HLR. 3706, the omnibus territories authorization. The Committee reviewed, in particular, the
foreign policy implications of the funds authorized to be appropriated
under section 102 to support ‘Title | Micronesian War Claims payments; and of section 104 regarding the operation of Iederal Programs in the Trust ‘Territory of the Pacific Islands, Which fall under
the jurisdiction of the Committee pursuant to clause 1(k) of the Rules

.of the Flouse.

Without prejudice to its jurisdiction, the Committee on Forcign
Affairs does not intend to request sequential referral of these sections
of the bill andhas, therefore, no objection to the consideration of these
provisions of the bill by the Touse, The Cominittee supports the in;
tent of the above mentioned provisions.
It would be appreciated if you would include this letter in your
Committee Report on TEM. 38756.
With best wishes, Dam.

Sincerely yours,

CommEnT J. ZABLoent,


Exceutive Communication from the Under Sceretary of the Tuterior
dated February 27, 1979, relevant to TEL. 3756, is set forth below:

——— --

Select target paragraph3