in that mostof its provisions are effective in fiscal vear 1981, and it
repeals $50 million previously authorized in law for grants to the
Virgin Islandsto offset any anticipated deficit.
9.Estimate prepared by Kathy Weiss.
10. Estimate approved by:

C. G. Nuckols
(For James L. Blum,

AssistantDirector for Budget Analysis);
Recunarory Iaceact EvaLuaTion

The bill ii s not a regulatory measure in the sense of ii mposing¢ Government-established standards or significant economic responsibilities

on private individuals and businesses.
Nopersonal information would be collected in administering the
provisions of the measure. Therefore, there would be no impsset on
personal privacy.

U.S. Drrartotent OFJUSTICE, *.
” Washington, D.C., October 5, 1979.

Hon. Henry M. Jackson,
| Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natura? Resources,
U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.
Dear Mn. Crainstan: This presents the viewsof the Department of
Justice on section 404 of H.R. 3756, which would prohibit the “extension, renewal, or renegotiation of the lease of real property on Water
Island in the Virgin Islands” prior to 1992 if the United States isa
party to such lease without the “express approval” of your Committee and the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. This bill,
including section 404, was passed by the House on May 7, 1979. Yor
reasons stated hereafter, we believe that the so-called ‘‘committee approval” provision contained in section 404 is unconstitutional.
The provisions of section 404 described above permit committees of
the Congress effectively to “approve” or “veto”decisions of the Secretary of the Interior made pursuant to statute. After full consideration
of the constitutional issues raised by “committee approval” provisions,
such as this one, three former Attorneys General have concluded that they are unconstitutional. See 37 Op. A.G. 56 (1933); 41 Op. A.G.
230 (1955) ; 41 Op. A.G. 300 (1957). We adhere to this view, whichis
that committees of Congress may not, under the doctrine of separation of powers, constitutionally control the exercise of discretion
vested in the Executive Branch bystatute, If Congress desires to control such discretion, it must do so by legislation “subject to the veto
powerof the President under ArticleI, section 7 of the Constitution.
In addition to these opinionsof former Attorneys General, on June
21, 1978 the President transmitted to the Congress a message setting

ote eee

The pertinent legislative reports and communications received by
the Committee from the Departinent of the Interior and Department of
Justice, setting forth Executive agency recommendations relating to
H. R. 3756 are set forth belo Ww:

an ar mhne
ree he aeeee m he 1 ane tere
eens oeeel eapuerperal! weg ent te

Little, if any, additional paperwork would result from the enactment
of FM. 3756.
EXECUTIVE Cosmronicaions

Select target paragraph3