


testing program. The program shall be implemented according to a plan developed by the Secretary in consultation with the Secretaries of Defense, Luergy
and Health, Education, and Welfare and with the direet involvement of representatives from the people of each of the affected atolls and fromthe government
of the Marshall Islands. The plan shall set forth, as appropriate to the situation,
‘condition, and needs of the individual atoll peoples:
“(1) an integrated, comprehensive health care program including primary, secondary, and tertiary care with special emphasis upon the biological
effects of ionizing radiation ;

““(2) a schedule for the periodic comprehensive survey and analysis of

Spec. 201. (a) The salary and expenses of the government comptroHer for the
Northern Mariana Islands shall be paid from funds appropriated to the Department of the Interior.
(b) Seetion 4 of the Act of June 30, 1954 as amended by section 2 of Public
Law93-111 (87 Stat. 354) is further amended as follows:
(1) Strike the words “government of the Trust Territory of the Pnecific
Islands” wherever they appear and insert in lieu thereof the words “governnents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or the Nucthern Mariana
(2) After the words “High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the
Pacifie Islands” insert the words “or Governor of the Northern Mariana
Islands, 1s the case maybe,";
(3) Wherever the words “High Commissioner” appear and are not followed by the words “of the Trust Ter ritory of the Pacitie Islands” insert the
words “or Governor, a5 the case may be," ; and
(4) After the words “District Court of Guain” insert the words “or

District Court of the Northern Mariana Islands, as the case may be”.



amended by deleting all after the ward ‘‘cause” and inserting in lieu thereof the
following words, “, even if such an individual has been compeusated under paragraph (1) of this section.”

Pee Bee

January 1, 1982.”",
See. 103. Paragraph 104 (a) (3) of Public Law 95-134 (91 Stat. 1159) is hereby


*(b) (1) The Secretary shall submit the plan to the Congress no later than
January 1, 1981 together with his recommendations, if any, for further legistation. The plan shall set forth the specific agencies responsible for implementing
the various clementsa of the plan. With respect to general health eare the Secretary shall consider, and shall tuclude in his recommendations, the fensibility of
using the Pullie Health. Service. After consultation with the Chairman of the
National Acudeny of Sciences, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Defense,
and the Secretary of Ilealth, Education, and Welfare, the Secretary shall estublish a scientific advisory cotmunitiee to review and evaluate the implementation
of the plan and to make sueh recommendations for its improvement: as such
cominittee deems advisable,
“(2) At the request of the Secretary, any Federal agency shall provide such
information, personnel, facilities, logistical support, or other assistance as the
Secretary Geems necessary to carry out the functions of this program; the costs
of all such assistance shail be reimbursed to the provider thereof out of the
sums appropriated pursuant to this section.
“(3) AL costs associated with the development and implementation of the
plan shall be assuined by the Secretary of Ene#®y and effective October 1, 1950,
there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Energy such sums as
may be necessary to achieve the purposes of this section.
“(e) The Secretary shall report to the appropriate committee of the Congress,
and to the people of the affected atolls annually, or more frequently if necessary,
on the implementation of the plan. Each such report shall include a description of
the health status of the individuals examined and treated under the plan, an
evaluation by the scientific advisory committee, and any recommendations for
improvement of the plan. The first such report shall be submitted not later than


the ridiologieal status of the atolls to and at appropriate intervals, but not
less freyuently than once every five years, the development of an updated
radiation dose assessment, together wit han estimate of the risks associated
with the predicted human exposure, for each such atolH; and
“(3) an education and information program to enable the people of such
ntolls to more fully understand nuclear radiation and its effects;

Select target paragraph3