Ist Session



Calendar No. 499

No. 96-467

DecemMuen T (legislative day, Novemner 93), 1970.—Ordered to be printed



Mr. Jackson, from the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources,



{To accompany H.R. 3756]

The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to which was referred the Act (H.R. 3756) to authorize appropriations for certain
insular areas of the United States, and for other purposes, having considcred the same, reports favorably thereon with an amendment and
recommends that the act as amended do pass.
The amendmentis as follows:

Strike all after the enacting clause and insert in eu thereof the

Sec, 101. Section 2 of the Act of June 36, 195-4 (6S Stat. 330) is amended by
inserting after “for fiscal year 1980, $112,000,000;” the follawing: ‘for fiscal
years after fiscal year 1950, such sums as may be necessary, including, but not
limited to, sums needed for completion of the eapital improvement program, for
a basic communications system, aud for a feasibility study and construction of
a hydroelectric project on Ponape.’
Sec. 102. The Act entitled “An Act to authorize certain appropriations for the
territories of the United States, to amend certain Acts relating thereto, and fur

other purposes” (91 Stat. 1159; Public Law 95-134) is amended—

(1) in subsection 104(1), by striking out parngraph (4) and redesiguating
paragraph (5) as paragraph (-1); and
(2) by inserting after section 105, the following newseetion:
“Sec. 106. (a) In addition to any other payinents or benefits provided hy law
to compensate inhabitants of the atolls of Dikini, Enewetak, Roneelap, and
UWtirik, in the Marshall Istiunds, for radiation exposure er other losses sustained
by them as a result of the United Stites nuclenr weapons testing program at or
near their atoNs during the period 1946 to 1958, the Seeretary of the Interior
(hereinafter in this section referred to as the “Seeretary’) shall previde for the
people of the Atolls of Bikini, Mnewetuk, Rongelap, and Uticik and for the people
of such otber atolls as may be found to be or to haye been exposed to radiation
from the nuclear weapons testing program a program of medical care apd treat-

ment and cuvironmental research and monitocine for any iajury, ilbiess, or condition which may be the result direetly or indirectly of such nucleur weapols
59-010 0

xT ST.

submitted the followin

Select target paragraph3