Memorandum for Recard 3- rely upon our statements or yours." issue. At this point we dropped the copra Next, the President asked "In your personal opinion, is Enyu a safe place to live?" My answer: “That unfortunately is not a yes-or-no question. Unquestionably it would be acceptable to reside on Enyu if all or most of your diet came from sources away from Bikini Atoll. If, on the other hand, all or most of your diet came from Enyu Island, then at least for the next couple of decades you would exceed the U.S. Federal radiation guides. In between these two extremes, there may be .a living pattern that is realistic and reasonable that would permit resettlement of Enyu. A new dose assessment for an Enyu settlement has been developed by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and is now, I believe, being reviewed by DOE Headquarters in Washington. This will be discussed with the Department of the Interior very soon and I presume will include some specific recommendations by the Department of Energy. You have asked for my personal opinion and I guess that's about as far as I can go at this time." The President then asked: "What can you tell us about Bikar and Bokar?* We understand from the Chief Secretary, who received his information from the High Commissioner, that both of these atolls, which had been considered as relocation sites for Bikini/Kili people, must now be dropped from consideration because of the high radiation levels." My answer: "IT am unaware of any radiological basis for your statements. In the first place, the survey of the Northern Marshalls did not include DaAtaaw Weak yg lan AA HELM UYE SL Po cr wee on vu ow .n tains a ss red wae Stn af wet ate LE eK EU on T 1. ee em J ee pee ELL Ie a. YB me LY Bikar, I do not recall at the moment what the aerial measurements Snoweda, but 1 am conTigent tnat tne numbers were extremely low. I assure you that I shall check upon my return to Nevada and advise you further. The only data yet available from the Northern Marshalls survey and pertaining to Bikar would be from aerial] measurements and | am virtually certain that this would provide no basis for placing any restrictions on Bikar. The President: “What can you tell us about the high incidence of thyroid abnormalities at Likiep? Tony (Anton deBrum, Actg. Secretary of Resources and Development) has gathered statistics which show that there are 50 or 60 thyroid cases at Likiep. Are these due to-the *Bokar is another name for Taongi Atoll (approximately 170°E, 14°N) 5009253 c Gm