Memorandum for Record


had been advised by them that it would be wise to meet with the Tobolar
Board and explain our intentions.
It had been suggested also that we
might discuss our plans with Joe Murphy, publisher of the Micronesian
The President's reaction to the copra question was quite surprising.
Although he has known for some time of our interest and concern, at this
time his reaction was quite negative. He asked, "Why involve us at all
in this question? If you have questions to which you need answers,
why not find your own ways to answer them? If you want to buy some of

our oil and cake, do so; but don't make a big show of it."

I explained that we intended no "big show," but neither did we plan to
try to do this surreptitiously.
"We feel that we must be open and
candid with you and with the Tobolar Board, and if people have questions
about our interest we intend to be honest with them." I explained that
our main purpose will be to try to understand the Tobolar process in
order that the laboratory process may truly represent it.
"We also
wish to find out how the nutrients in the copra are partitioned between
the oil and the cake, how much is in the undissolved solids in the oil,
etc." I stressed that we do not plan to introduce anything into the
Tobolar. We just want to observe what is happening there now, in the
course of its normal operation.
President Kabua asked why the Department of Energy is so interested in
the copra question.
If responded that there seemed to be two good bases

for our interest.


the economy of Enewetak (and eventually of

BIKINi, Should tnat atoll ever again be resettled) would be heavily
denendent upon canra: and secand.

tha Tohalar plant itself

To undesstond.

was actively seeking other sources of copra in order that it might some
day reach its production capacity.

The President:
"Do you think that you wil] ever be able to say that the
oil and cake from Bikini or Enewetak are acceptable for World commerce?"
My answer:
"I don't know what standard the World market may apply but I
think that there is a very good chance that the oil--properly filtered
and processed--may be found to be free of radioactive contamination to
be accepted by the market. The President: "Do you really think anyone
will believe the United States Department of Energy when it says the
oil is safe?" Answer: "I sincerely hope so.
But in any case, your
market can make its own checks to determine whether the standards are
being met.
I believe I am correct in my understanding that all of your
shipments of copra cake to Hawaii are sampled and analyzed by the U.S.



so wey

Department of Agriculture.
In just the same way it would seem to me
that your customer for oi] could sample each shipment and not have to

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