Memorandun for Record


pollution?* What is the Department of Energy going to do about it?
Will these people be examined?"
Answer: "As you know, I am not a physician and I am not qualified at
all to comment upon thyroid preblems and their causes.
I have been
aware of Tony's data and will assure you that it will be brought to the
attention of the responsible and qualified people in Washington.
Although I cannot commit them to any specific action such as examinations of the 50 or 60 people you mention, I am sure that I can commit
them to examining the data that Tony has and discussing it with him."
The President:

"We understand that the entire Northern area of the

Marshall Islands is polluted.

Is this true?"

"As you know, there is some radiation everywhere on earth.
Some of this is radiation from natural sources, some is widely distributed low level fallout from atomic tests, and some is more intense and
localized such as that found at Bikini and Enewetak and some areas of
Ailinginae, Rongelap and Rongerik. Radiation levels elsewhere in the
Marshalls are extremely low--lower than most areas in the United States.
The results of the Northern Marshalls survey will portray these conditions in detail."
The President:
"When will
Marshalls be available?"

the results of the survey of the Northern


"All of the aerial measurements data are now available and



are being considered in the continuing analysis and evaluation wnich



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given to Bikini and Enyu Islands of Bikini a and that assessment
should be ready for reporting about now in Washington. The balance of
the work will continue for many months and priority will be given to
those islands and atolls which are or may be inhabited and which are
known from the aerial -survey to have measurable contamination."
The President:
"As you know, we are very anxious to have that information as soon as possible. Now on behalf of myself and the Ministers
of the Cabinet,

I thank you for taking the time to visit with us.


of us are trying to embarrass the United States, but we do need to be
You are always candid with us and we appreciate that."

*President Kabua has consistently used the term "pollution"
for radioactive contamination.

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