2, Lucite spheres ranging from 5 to 30 cm. in diameter. A graduated series of spheres will be susxended at each stction (? large and small animal station). They cont: in film packets and ion chambers (high saturation) and are d?signed to give the radiation doses in air. 3. Mouse Phantoms: Mouse sized lucite blocks contcining film to be ovlaced et each mouse Station. A. ’ Other measurements of neutron and gam1a ray intensity and svectrum will be made by N. R. L. and Los Alamos groun. Test ? studies oy Bio-medicel group limited to the folloving: biologics1l dosimetry - mouse survival vs. distence thermal effects in large eninels Oi iv Ll. lonizing and thermsl radiation measurements Sxposure stations: Sxcert for the biological materisls in the drone planes, °11 biologics1 stations are on the ground (or on floats) along one of several necrby radii. The stetions are of different tyes end are designed to withstand varying amounts of blest «nd to shield sgrinst different tyres and amounts of loniazing radisetion. have individusl cel’s All stations excent those in the nlenes will for the animals «s well ss © continuouc record of the temnerature end mressure, aAutonetic airflow (which DOF ARCHIVES