Shuts off temporsrily after the shot to

eryclud2? rossible

contamination by fis-ion nroducts. }\

Ground 3tstions:
Tyne 1:

To house nackets of corn.

Don't know

details of design but will be very close
to tower.
Hemisphere type stetions for neutron

Has great strength end shields

out almost all gene reys by means of

6 in.

leyer of lead neinted on the out-

Side ‘ith cadmium.

Cnly neutrons ebove thervel energies will
enter this station.

“he attenuation of

the neuts. will constitute less thn
20 o08r cent of totr?.

There will be

elght of thes= stations for neutron
dosimetry cont: ining nice,

moice phantoms,


personnel and neutron

eight advitional stetions

will contain mice for neutron survivel
cylinders for gamma ray ex cosures of mice
and tradescanti:.

Twenty-nine such

stetions farther away from tower than

tyo> 2.

/i11 contsin 260 mice each for

gearmea ray dosimetry,

leths1. dose and

gramea rey survival studies.

Tyne A:


nimel cont iners shielded from

blatt ef e_ts for gexn ray mortality


Select target paragraph3