3. A, Mamnels (Svecicl Studies) 1. serial sacrifices i) hemetology . (? also 5igs ) Memmols (Thernal effects vs. distance) a. dogs and pies (1:4 ratio) 1. three tests ver animal (time versus effect) 2, three tests per animal (wave length vs. effect) 5. Rediation Messurements (by Bio-medical group) a. Radient "nergy (to be measured by N..2.. Ll. total integrated dose at each station to be measured by lFearse b. Ionizing Radiation 1. Man-sized laminated masonite vhentoms: ach will contsin film and ion ¢ghambers to Zive an idea of the homogeneity of the incident radietion and the amount of Scattered radiation. A ~air of these vhantoms will be placed at each large animal Station (with seme amount of shielding); others will be “laced at closer and further yoints; and some will be mleced in stendserd army tents. DOS ARCHIVEL