is exxcect2d to be the highest redistion intensity which the teans will encounter. It will tove sbout 4-5 hours to distribute the animals before the shot and about on ecual time to return them to the laboratories. Immediately after the shot, a heliconter will go into the aree, give the sall-clear signal, collect a few neutron indicctors and do minor repairs concerned with air flow into stations. A srecial crew will arrive by sveedboat on the island within an hoir after the shot, will be nrepared to reoair stations and to obtein the first two »xairs of vigs and dogs for Serial sacrifice. These enimels will »e returned to the laboratories within three hours after shot time. 3. II Over-9l1l Plen of the Operation: will be given verbally. Biological Matericls to be used and Methods of Discley: A. Tynes of Materials: The biolcgical materials to be displayed differ for the two tests in the following wey: Test 1. 1. Biological Dosimeters a. Corn in nackets (for high flux neutron b. Tradescantia (inflorescences end plents to be used vrimarily for Lower doses of neutrons) c. Mice (thymus-spleen weight change, to be used for both gamma reys and neuts. °, ) Mannels (Survivel vs. distance) @, mice b. pizs Cc. aogt 1. U.D. curves (40 day} 2. long term effects A. gamma ry survivers b. neutron survivor: DOs ARCHIVES