oo C. Personnel: Those whom I know are competent and well quélified for their jobs. The persons in charge of the Bio- nedical program are scientifically competent and have a good practical understanding of logistics and organizational problems. D. Operations: The operational aspects of the »orogram heve been well thought out and will be rehearsed thoroughly before shot time. The scientific nrersonnel will be kent out of the field and wil’ be resronsible only for placing the biological meteriels in insulating liners which will then be distributed st the vroner stations end collected by conpetent military tesems. There will be five 5-man recovery teams, each with & monitor from General Cooney's outfit thet will be resconsible for placing and collecting the liners. Only two of these teams will go into areas which will be redioactive and the other three will be used for collecting Feerse's material on non-active islands. They will Serve as reserve temas from the point of view of radiation exposure. The teams will be allowed to teke an averrege of one roentgen of gamna radiation ner nan (but te Roy believes that this dosage can be incressed to 3 r if necessary). an advisory castacity, The monitors will act in but will rerort to a chief monitor (Carmtein Haight) who will be with the beach master and will heve euthority to order evacuetion. Le Roy will be ina boat nesroy and will be in direct communication with the teams and with the beach master. The problem of recovery of biological mo terial should not vrove to be difficult. “he station design provides for alternate methods of recovery of material in case the usual methods of evacuation cennot be used. The rediation hazards for this type of an ex~losion can he estinated with reasonable accurecy snd should not be serious--150 mr ver hour DOS ARCHIVES