


anesthesies have been nade under conditions which simulate

in the facific.

140 lerge surface burns have been

produced by the scanning technic utilizing the focussed
been of o lerge searchlight,

and 1°€ smaller burns have

been croduced with megnesium flares.

Impression of Value of Data which will be obtained and problems
left unsolved.

I don't think thet the bio-medicel progrem could have
been ol nned

in a more direct or Simple wey in order to get

the desired information.

some of the tests are more straight-

forward than others and vrobably heve a better chance of
Siving good data.
Subject to

BoP veer eh nh fanswar,

Thur, the biological dosimetry is not

the neny unknown ve riebles which determine for

example survivel studies.

These tests seem to me to be

excellent and should give valuable informetion.

The lethal

dose studies are sound, elthoigh unexrected variations in radi: tion flux (due to bomb efficiency) may interfere with the

interrretation of the lerge mnimel studies which are based
on a reletively few grouns of animsis.

The mouse survival

Studies should give good nessures of the neutron snd ganya
ray ef*ects orovided that some of the intengible factors of
this tyre of study do not distort the results.
ogy and histolosicel studies,

The hematol-

although performed on a limited

number of animels, should also give gord data.

The numbers

of “nimal3 in ¢ech groun is Statistically sound, but I am
enoizh of a biolosist
on the smell side.
thoroushly olanned.

to feel thet the semnle size mare

The thern.] studies have been very
“The factors which could interfere with


Select target paragraph3