
dogs and each will have its own control of @ small nort
which admits all of the thermel radiant energy.

The only

Studies which will be made on the burned areas are

1) descrintion of intact lesions, sup -lemented by Kodachrome
ohotography, and 2?) histological examination of bionsy snecimens.

Another iological test that has just been included at
the reauest of the surgeon General's Cf°ice is the effect of
thernmrl redistions on wall nieces of material in contact with
the ~kin.

Twelve such tests will be made on four animels in

the outer station-.

(This will be integrated with the materiel

testing progrem being car ied out by the N.D.R.U.)


station will have an integrating celorimeter which will

measure the total radiant energy.

These instruments have

been designed so that their records of total energy can be

broken down in terms of N.R.L. data into time and spectral
The stations are nleced so that a large range of energy
is covered,

It is estimated thet the minimel energy studied

during the firet test will be 3.3 to 3.3 calories per Sa.

while the meximum will be 57 to 125 cal/em’.


A comparable

energy range will be studied during the second test.


nNinimal energies are ap -roximately those reauired to produce

threshold effects (5.7 cal/sa. cm/sec. ).

These estimates

of thermal energies are cuite uncertain.

They depend uvon

who makes the celculation and will certcinly vary with bomb
efficiency, atmospheric conditions, etc..
These studies have been well controlled by vrelixzinary
experimentction here at Rochester.

131 individual tests on


Select target paragraph3