
the obtesining of z00d results sre 1) roor placing of stations

due to mitcrloulation- of the thernal energies and 2) the
pos ibility thet the vigs will be too large for use.

feo mouse


inhelation studies will be difficult to

intercret elthouzh it nay give some clue to particle size in
the cloud.
At best,

good data will be obtained correlating biological

effects and nhyctical measurenents.

This should heln to

Solve the discrenvauncies in the intercretation of dosage in

the Japanese and the arguments as to dosSe-intensity effects.
If the results from the various tests should not jibe or
Should conflict,

it mey still be vos ible to discriminate

between true and spurious results.

“he problems which will

not be solved by this test are imvos‘ible to anticinate,
my guess is thet if you cre zlanning another test,
lntensity cuestion should »%e
be still in cuestion.
which can


the dose-

considered as the most li'rely to

Another practical piece of information,

de obteined in tine in the Laboratory but which

could be determined (with Limitetions) at a later test is
the combined effect of ionizing and thernel radietions on
large animels.


Donaldson will not particinate in test and testing
like thet done at Bikini will not be carried out.


Select target paragraph3