
The training program for the Task Group was stepped up considerably

during the period of this report.

Whilemost of the training was being

carried out in the Fleet under the ships’ own type commanders, some

units reported to the Task Groun and began advanced training in comection with initial operations with the,Task Group.

With concurrences

of CinCPacFlt, type commanders were requested to/have ships or units of
their command, which were nominated to be in the Tesk Group, submit
semi-monthly status reports.

These status reports vere to include a

report on progress of trainirg.
Tnlisted personnel for the Task Group Commander's Flag Allowance in
the flagship of radioman, teleman and quartermaster rating groups,

the stewards branch and a barge crew, were being assembled at PhibTraPac
and given pre:iminary training.

Also being assembled and trained in this

command were the enlisted personnel for the Roat Pool and "nderwater

Detection Unit.
PhibTraPac made use of the assistance of other Fleet Training Activities

in this program, particularly the Harbor Defense Course (two weeks) at
Fleet Training Center, Treasure Island, San Francisco, California, for
personnel of the Undervater Detection Minit.

Many ships, notably the USS ESTES, sent many officers and men to courses
conducted in regular training centers such as the Damage Cortrol School,
Treasure Island, San Francisco, amd other Fleet Training Centers at San
Francisco and San Diego, California.

The courses included Atomic Defense

* (2 weeks), Atomic Defense Indoctrination (Basic) and Atomic Defense’
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