
Indoctrination (Monitoring) and Decontamination Trocedures. Some per-

sonnel also received training in specialized courses such as Air Con-

troller, CIC atch Officers, Radiac Instrument Repair, AX-TRC Operation
(Army School at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey), Mark X IFF and the Special
Weapons Orientation Course.


Shipboard trainirg supplemented the courses received on shore or
‘ replaced them where operations of the ship prevenped use of the schools


lectures on Atomic Defense Indoctrination and drills and in-

struction in Decontamination Procedures and use of Radiac Instruments,
comprised the bulk of this training.
In connection with the departure of the USS OAK HILI. from the west

coast and its reporting to the Task Group, certain key personnel of the
Boat Pool and the ‘Inderwater Detection Unit were air lifted to Eniwetok
“OR URAC ccna8

for familiarization training while awaiting arrival of the ship.


the Boat Pool and the Underwater Detection Unit were able to become ©
operational shortly after arrival of the mother ship.

The ship had

comucted shipboard training for its crew and the embarked elements of

the Boat Poo] and UDU while enroute.
During this period five officers of the Task Group Commander's Staff

attended the 4-day Special Weapons Orientation Course, at Sandia Base,
New Mexico.

Select target paragraph3