
During the period ef :his report infotmation was received, fYom the

Joint Communications Electronics Coumittes via OJTF 132, that the fre~
quencies requested for use by the “avy Tack Group during IVY had been

Upon receipt of this spproval, steps were taken to publish

the frequency chart for inclusion in OT 132.3 OpPlan No. 1-52,
PR Rm DU terage oo

Installation of special eleatronic and Other communication geer

aboard ships of the Task Group was completed during this period with

the exseption of the nark X IFP tobe installed in the USS O*HANNON

This installation vas potieduled for completion during the

first week of September:


Upon departure of the Task Group Commander and his Staff from Wash-

ington, D. C., for the Forward Area on 26 August all Registered Publications were turned in to the nearest Registered Publication Issuing
Office (RPIO). They were redrawm at the RPIO, Treasure Islend.

A Class

V allowance over and above a Class TV allowinee was drawn to supplement

the allowance held aboard the USS CURTISS, the temporary flagship.
Upon arrival in San Francisco, the staff was divided for administrative

and commnication purpose. OTC 132.3 embarked in the USS CTRTISS with

e Class ¥ crypto allowance, CTO 132.3 (Administration) embarked in the
USS RENDOVA (CVF-114) with a Class IV crypto allovence. Each command

copied HOW FOX and intercepted each other's traffic in order to be kept
informed on current matters.

The USS CIMTISS sailed for the forward area

‘on 29 August 1952, while the USS REXDCVA remained on the west coast
pending departure set for a later date.



Select target paragraph3