



In July staff visits vere made by the Staff Assistant "adSafe Officer
to ComMSTSPac and Scripps Institute, LaJolla, San Diego, Californie.


a result of the first visit radiac instrument allowances for the two TAP's
were turned over to ComMSTSPac in order that he might initiate his training program.

As a result of the second visit, plans for establishing a

organization similar to that aboard naval ships were instituted.
During this period a continuous monitoring of the prozram of dee
livery of radiac equipment to ships of this task group was carried out.
On movement of the staff to USS P"SMDOVA, the radiac repair center
to be used jointly by Task Group 132.3, was activated.

The radiac

instruments and spares for the rool were received from the "SY, San

Francisco, and all ships were inform:4 of the status of their radiac
By 1 September the water spray equipment for the 033 nSTEs, WSS CrRTISS,

and USS RENDOVA had been delivered to those ships.

The water spray

equipment for Seripps Institute vessels has been shipped to Sen Diego
for installation.

Water sprey equipment for all other vessels of the

Task Group were loaded aboard the USS FST7S.

Arrangements were completed

for two BuShips representatives to be present in the forward area, on
arrival of the shins, to assist in the installation of these systems.






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RadSafe organization aboard 3eripps Institute vease}s paralleling an

Select target paragraph3