(ONI) subsequent to that date could be duly processed but that a complete
report on the results sould not be assured.



4. By 26 August 1952 the Task Group Commarder and his staff departed
dashington D. C. for the forward area.
‘of CTG 132.3 Staff were "Q" cleared.

All officers and key personnel
Security badge request forms

complete with identification photographs had “been forvarded te CTG 132.1
for assembly and issue of appropriate badges.

Owing tothe early submission

of the necessary data to CTG 132.1 it was believed that the security

badges would be made up and delivered to the Task Croup Security Officer
at the time of the Task Group Commander's arrival in the forward area.

In this same connection CJTF 132 security letter #13 dealing with the

badge indentification system was disseminated to all ships and units
of the Task Group.

Authority to certify the prospective wearer's wQn

Clearance was delegated to the respective Commanding Officer ih order
that a minimum amount of delay be experienced by officers and men of
ships and units arriving in the Eniwetok Area prior to the arrival of
the Task Group Commander.



peinted out that requests for National Agency Checks arriving at OPNAV

Select target paragraph3